The Volunteering with School Sport (V2S) project was implemented by the International School Sport Federation between January 2017 and March 2018. It was supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. Six members of the Federation took part in the project: the national school sport organisations from Croatia, France, Hungary, Latvia, Malta, and Turkey. The project aim was twofold: bringing about sustainable changes in the participating school sport organisations regarding the way they engage with young volunteers in school sport activities, and developing the competencies of 24 young volunteers (aged 14–16) in the fields of volunteering and youth participation. The young participants – 4 from each of the 6 participating countries – went through a demanding and rewarding learning experience that included three international training activities (4–5 days) and two national/local volunteering practices with their respective national school sport organisation.
Volunteering with School Sport
International School Sport Federation
Role on the project
Trainer responsible for: the design, the implementation and the evaluation of the learning process of participants; the support of participants when they work working on their national practices phases; the writing of a handbook addressed to members of the International School Sport Federation.