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Evaluation of the Council of Europe Human Rights Education Youth Programme

—Evaluation of the Council of Europe Human Rights Education Youth Programme

 The Human Rights Education Youth Programme of the Youth Department of the Council of Europe is a direct contribution of to the core mission of the organisation to promote and protect human rights. The programme was launched in 2000 with the aim to bring human rights issues in the mainstream of youth work and non-formal learning practice. It has combined the development and dissemination of tools and resources on human rights education and capacity-building activities for trainers, multipliers and advocates of human rights education as a human right. In 2016, the Youth Department of the Council of Europe launched an evaluation of the results of the Programme for the period 2010–2015.

—2nd Review of the Implementation of the Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education

The Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education, adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in 2010, emphasises the role of member states of the Council of Europe in making human rights education a reality for every person in Europe and the importance of quality education to promote the core values of the institution. The Charter provides the basis for advancing human rights education at local and regional level by defining objectives and principles applying to policy, legislation and practice. A review on the implementation of the Charter in the member states is done periodically. The aim of the periodic review is to map successes and challenges and help policy makers, practitioners and international organisations envisage measures to ensure access to quality human rights education for everyone in Europe.

Download the report. 

Role on the project

Consultant coresponsable de définir la méthodologie et de conduire la collecte des données, en collaboration avec le Service, puis d’analyser ces dernières et d’écrire un rapport. Ce dernier fut présenté à l’occasion du 3ème Forum Repères sur l’Education aux Droits de l’Homme qui se tint au Centre Européen de la Jeunesse de Budapest en octobre 2016.

Consultant coresponsable pour la contribution des secteurs jeunesse et éducation non formelle au second passage en revue de la mise en œuvre de la Charte du Conseil de l’Europe sur l’éducation à la citoyenneté démocratique et l’éducation aux droits de l’homme (préparation, collecte des données, analyse des résultats et écriture du rapport).

 Télécharger le rapport

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